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He he ... Kul hur Spotify ”kartlägger” ens lyssnande. Fick alldeles nyligen ett mail från dem: ”Valle, 10 music suggestions for you.”

Och detta var vad Spoyify hade att föreslå:

You listened to Van Halen. Check out Foreigner.

You listened to Whitesnake. Here’s the new album. …

You listened to Alice Cooper. Here’s a song you might like. …

You listened to David Lee Roth, you might like this new release by Thunder.

You listened to Van Halen. You might like this song.

You listened to Alice Cooper. Check out SWEET

You listened to Ace Frehley, you might like this new release by Uriah Heep.

You listened to Vikingarna. Here’s a song you might like: Dra dit pepparn växer

You listened to W.A.S.P.. Here’s a song you might like. …

You listened to Vixen. Check out Lita Ford. …

Det här är ju rena tillfället för leken “En ska bort” … 😉

  • Gilla 1
Postat (redigerat)

Fick också ett sånt mail idag. Lite knepigt hur de kopplar ihop musiken..

Hi DxVibe, we've found 10 music suggestions for you on Spotify. Enjoy!

You listened to S.P.O.C.K. Check out Eliasson.

Tio minus

Like Chipzel and Goto80? Check out Sulumi.

Sulumi 150 followers

You listened to Herbie Hancock. Here’s an album you might like.

Just You, Just Me "The Best Of"

Like Depeche Mode and The Knife? Check out The Chemical Brothers.

The Chemical Brothers

You listened to VNV Nation. Here’s an album you might like.

So Close So Near

You listened to S.P.O.C.K and Mesh. Here’s a song you might like.

Vitt Brus

You listened to Jogeir Liljedahl. Here’s an album you might like.

Fem Månaders Misstag

You listened to Chipzel and 047. Check out Dubmood.

Fuckup At Dreamhack2001

You listened to Jogeir Liljedahl. You might like this song.


If you like The Mobile Homes, we recommend Topgun.

Topgun 69 followers

Redigerat av D Vibe

Jag gnäller iofs inte. Mest lite kul hur de kopplat ihop musiken.

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